New in 28mm 

Napoleonic Wars – Italian Cavalry   (  Italian – GMB Designs )

It16  Guardi D’Onore 1805-13

It17  Dragoni della Guardi Reale  1805-13

It18  Elite Gendarmes, Guardi Reale

It19  1st Dragoons, Dragoni Regina  1805-13

It20  2nd Dragoons, Dragoni Napoleone  1805-13

It21  1st Chasseurs a cheval  1805-13

It22  2nd Chasseurs a cheval 1805-13

It23  3rd Chasseurs a cheval 1805-13

It24  4th Chasseurs a cheval 1805-13

It25  Dragoni della Guardi Reale  1813-14

Hundred years war – English

HYE48  Mowbray

HYE49  Cheney

HYE50  Lord Robert Ferrers

HYE51  Henry of Grosmont, Earl of Derby

HYE52  Hugh Courtney, Earl of Devon

HYE53  Hungerford

HYE54  Sir Thomas Dagworth

HYE55  John, Lord Beaumont

HYE56  Laurence de Hastings, Earl of Pembroke

Seven Years War – French Infantry Regts.

SYF101  Royal Bavarie

English Civil War  – Cromwell’s Regiment of Horse 

ECWC47  Oliver Cromwell & Capt. Henry Ireton, Cromwell’s Regt of Horse

ECWC48  Captain William Packer & James Berry, Cromwell’s Regt of Horse

ECWC49  Captain Samuel Porter & Captain John Grove, Cromwell’s Regt of Horse

ACW Confederate – Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS95   5th & 6th Louisiana, Hay’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS96   7th & 8th Louisiana, Hay’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS97   9th Louisiana & spare battle flag, Hay’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS98   21st & 57th North Carolina, Hoke’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS99   6th North Carolina ( with presentation flag ), Hoke’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS100   13th & 31st Virginia, Smith’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS101   49th & 52nd Virginia, Smith’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS102   58th Virginia & spare battle flag , Smith’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS103   13th & 26th Georgia, Gordon’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS104   31st & 38th Georgia, Gordon’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS105   60th & 61st Georgia, Gordon’s Brigade, Early’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS106   3rd North Carolina, Steuart’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS107   10th & 23rd Virginia, Steuart’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS108   2nd & 4th Virginia, Stonewall Brigade ( Walker ), Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS109   5th & 27th Virginia, Stonewall Brigade ( Walker ), Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS110   33rd Virginia & spare battle flag , Stonewall Brigade ( Walker ), Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS111  1st & 2nd Louisiana,  Nicholl’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS112  10th & 14th Louisiana,  Nicholl’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS113  15th Louisiana & spare Battle flag,  Nicholl’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS114  21st & 42nd Virginia,  Jones’ Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS115  44th & 48th Virginia,  Jones’ Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS116  50th & 25th Virginia,  Jones’ Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS117  43rd & 45th North Carolina,  Daniel’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS118  53rd Regt & 2nd Batt, North Carolina,  Daniel’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS119  4th & 12th Georgia,  Doles’ Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS120  21st & 44th Georgia,  Doles’ Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS121  5th & 12th North Carolina,  Iverson’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS122  20th & 23rd North Carolina,  Iverson’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS123  2nd & 4th North Carolina,  Ramseur’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS124  14th & 30th North Carolina,  Ramseur’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS125  3rd & 5th Alabama,  O’Neal’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS126  6th & 12th Alabama,  O’Neal’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

CS127  26th Alabama,  O’Neal’s Brigade, Rode’s Division, Ewell’s Corps ( Gettysburg )

ACW Union

US169  55th New York – Gardes Lafayette.

US170  39th New York – Garibaldi Guard.

15/18mm – ACW

ACW23  Iron Brigade – 24th Michigan and 19th Indiana ( Gettysburg ).

ACW24  New York Regiments. 14th Brooklyn, 5th NY Zouaves + generic NY Regt.

ACW25 New York Zouaves. 9th ( National ), 10th ( Hawkin’s ) and 146th ( Garrard’s ).

ACW26  Pennsylvania Zouaves. 72nd ( Baxter’s ), 114th and 155th ( Pearson’s )

ACW27  Irish Brigade, 28th Mass and 116th Penn.

ACW28  Vermont Brigade. 13th, 14th and 16th Regiments.

ACW59  South Carolina red State flags.

ACW60 1st Louisianna ( Coppen’s Zouaves ) & Louisiana Tigers

First packs of Hardee flags along with Union Vermont Regts now available in 28mm.

28mm ACW Union – Gettysburg  ( photos enlarged to show detail )

US166  13th Vermont Infantry

US167  14th Vermont Infantry

US168  16th Vermont Infantry

28mm ACW Confederate    ( photos enlarged to show detail )

Hardee flags – finally !

Many of these were heavily decorated with battle honours ( as above ).
Packs contain one unit specific flag paired with an unmarked ( as issued ) hardee.

CS79  Tennessee State flags

CS80  8th & 19th  ( combined ) Arkansas ( Hardee )

CS81  3rd Confederate Regt ( Hardee )

CS82  1st Arkansas Volunteers ( Hardee )

CS83  6th Arkanasas Volunteers ( Hardee )

CS84  33rd Alabama Vols ( Hardee )

CS85  45th Alabama Vols ( Hardee )

CS86  18th Alabama Vols ( Hardee )

CS87  38th Alabama Vols ( Hardee )

CS88  17th Tennessee Regt ( Hardee )

CS89  Combined 17th & 18th Tx Cavalry – dismounted ( Hardee )


28mm Crimean British

BCR16  7th ( The Royal Fuzileers ) Regt.

BCR17  4th ( The Kings Own ) Regt.

BCR18  30th ( Cambridgeshire ) Regt.

BCR19  31st ( Huntingdonshire ) Regt.

BCR20  71st ( Highland Light Infantry ) Regt.

BCR21  3rd ( East Kent / The Buffs ) Regt.

BCR22  21st ( Royal North British Fusiliers ) Regt.

BCR23  57th ( West Middlesex ) Regt.

BCR24  38th ( 1st Staffordshire ) Regt

BCR25  68th ( Durham Light Infantry )

BCR26  41st Regiment of Foot

BCR27  77th ( East Middlesex ) Regt.

BCR28  72nd ( Duke of Albany’s Own ) Highlanders

28mm Baden Infantry ( Napoleonic )

GS30  Baden. 1st ( Leib ) Regiment

GS31  Baden. 2nd Regt ( Grand Duke Hertitier )

GS32  Baden. 3rd Regt ( Markgraf Ludwig )

GS33  Baden. 4th Regt ( Von Harrant )

18mm Saxons, Wurttemburg, Westphalians, Italians & Hesse Darmstadt

see the shop for full listing

Saxon  Cavalry ( Napoleonic )28mm

Sac01  Gardes du Corps

Sac02  Leib Cuirassiers

Sac03  Zastrow Cuirassiers

American War of Independence 28mm

WIA56  Philadelphia Light Horse

WIA57  Sheldon’s Horse, 2nd Continental Light Dragoons

WIA58  Baylor’s Horse, 3rd Continental Light Dragoons

Russian Guard Cavalry ( Napoleonic ) 28mm

Rc78  Chevalier Garde – Life Guards

Rc79  Horse Guards

Rc80  Guard Dragoons  1809

Rc81 Guard Dragoons 1813

Rc82  Chevalier Garde – Life Guards. Vexillum

28mm ACW Union

US157  5th Michigan Infantry

US158  17th Maine

US159  40th New York Vols ( The Mozart Regt )

US160  110th Pennsylvania Regt

US161  3rd Michigan Infantry

New – American Revolutionary War 1776

( In AB compatible 18mm )

British Regiments

The first seven packs are suitable for Brandywine – subsequent packs provide

Regiments for other engagements.

ARWB01  4th, 23rd and 28th Regiments of Foot

ARWB02  5th, 10th and 27th Regiments of Foot

ARWB03  49th, 40th and 55th Regiments of Foot

ARWB04  1st & 2nd Batts, 71st Foot and Queen’s Rangers.

ARWB05  15th, 17th and 42nd Regiments of Foot

ARWB06  37th, 33rd and 46th Regiments of Foot

ARWB07  44th, 28th and Foot Guards Regiments

ARWB08  9th, 21st and 45th Regiments of Foot

ARWB09  20th, 22nd and 47th Regiments of Foot

ARWH01  Erbprinz, Donop and Mirbach Infantry Regiments

ARWA01 Sons of Liberty flags ( vertical stripes )

ARWA02 Virginia Militia

ARWA03  Liberty flags ( white )

ARWA04  Liberty flags ( red and blue )

ARWA05  Massachusetts Pine tree flags ( variants )

ARWA06  New England ‘An appeal to Heaven’ ( variants )

ARWA07  Betsy Ross ( stars and stripes )

ARWA08  South Carolina ( 1st,2nd & 3rd Regts )

ARWA09  Connecticut ( 1st – 3rd Regts )

ARWA10  Connecticut ( 4th – 6th Regts )

ARWA11  South Carolina crescent flags

ARWA12  New York ( 1st & 3rd Regts included )

ARWA13  North Carolina

ARWA14 Colonial merchant flags ( horizontal stripes )

Duchy of Warsaw – Lance pennons  28mm

DW17 Pennons for the 2nd, 3rd, 15th & 16th Uhlans

DW18 Pennons for the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 12th Uhlans

DW19  Pennons for the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st Uhlans

DW20  Pennons for the 11th Uhlans

ACW – Early Iron Brigade ( Gettysburg ) 28mm

US155  2nd Wisconsin ( Iron Brigade ) 1861-63

US156  6th Wisconsin ( Iron Brigade )  1861-63

I’ve also updated US08 to show the early method of staff attachment.

New Bavarian Napoleonics

( In AB compatible 18mm )

All of the flags can be used from their issue date until the end of the Napoleonic wars.
BVN01  Infantry Regiments 1808 onwards
BVN02  Infantry Regiments 1813 onwards
BVN03  Infantry Regiments 1800 onwards
BVN04  Infantry Regiments 1803 onwards
BVN05  Infantry Regiments  1806 onwards
BVN07 Cavalry Regiments – silver laced 1800 onwards
BVN08 Cavalry Regiments – gold laced 1800 onwards

ACW Confederates ( 15 /18mm )

ACW55  Texas Brigade.  3rd Ark, 1st,4th & 5th Tx

American War of Independence  28mm

WIB50  Volunteers of Ireland / 2nd American.
WIA46  Fort Mercer flag 1777 ( Battle of Red Bank )
WIA47  Fort Mifflin Garrison flag 1777
WIA48  Chester County Militia ( Pennsylvania ) 1777
WIA49  George Rogers Clark flag ( assault on Fort Sackville ) 1779
WIA50  Taunton Liberty flag 1774
WIA51  Sons of Liberty flags ( 1st & 2nd version )
WIA52 Massachusetts Pine tree flags.
WIA53  New England ‘Appeal to Heaven’.
WIA54  Colonial merchant/ Naval flag ( 13 stripes )
WIA55 1st New York Regt ( Liberty & Union ) 1776

Napoleon’s Old Guard ( 28mm ) 1813- 15

These are my interpretation of a written description – based on the cartridge case design. Rather than leave the numeral blank they are inscribed on the centre of the reverse ‘2eme Battailon’.

altering  the very small numeral there are no differences between battalions.

WF64  Old Guard Grenadiers, battalion fanion ( eagle centre & grenades – gold fringe )  &  nco pennants

WF65  Old Guard Grenadiers, battalion fanion   ( grenade centre ) & nco pennants

WF66  Old Guard Chasseurs, battalion fanion ( eagle centre & bugle horns ) with nco pennants.

WF67  Old Guard Chasseurs, battalion fanion ( bugle horn centre )  with nco pennants

New British brigades for the Peninsular war

( in AB compatible 18mm )

BAP36  Stirling’s (1st ) Brigade ( 42nd and 79th Highlanders, 91st Foot )

BAP37  Hulse’s ( 1st ) Brigade  ( 11th, 53rd and 61st Foot )

BAP38  Burne’s  (2nd ) Brigade  ( 2nd,32nd and 36th foot )

BAP39   94th, 88th and 5th Foot.

Spanish Army of Joseph Bonaparte 1808-14 ( 28mm )

SpJN01 1st Line Regiment ( ( Madrid )
SpJN02 2nd Line Regiment ( Toledo )
SpJN03 3rd Line Regiment ( Seville )
SpJN04 4th Line Regiment ( Soria )
SpJN05 5th Line Regiment ( Granada )
SpJN06 6th Line Regiment ( Malaga )
SpJN07 7th Line Regiment ( Cordoba )
SpJN08 1st Light Regiment ( Castile )
SpJN09 2nd Light Regiment ( Murcia )

These can be found in the Spanish Napoleonic section of the shop.

The Marines – AWI & Napoleonic

WIB48 Marines 1760 – 1802 ( white facings )

B86 Royal Marines 1802 -1827 ( Colours issued in 1810 – blue facings )

SYW – British Cavalry 

 SYBC12 2nd Horse ( green ) 5th Dragoon Guards from 1788.

Napoleonic – Russian Infantry  28mm

Some more Russians. The missing 1800 pattern, along with
the very colourful Guard flags issued in 1814.

R105  Libau 1803 pattern
R106  Orel, 1800 pattern
R107  Lithuania, 1800 pattern
R108  Siberia, 1800 pattern
R109  Smolensk, 1800 pattern
R110  Archangel, 1800 pattern
R111  Kabardinsk, 1800 pattern
R112  Preobrazhenski Regt. Guard 1814 pattern
R113  Ismailovski Regt.  Guard 1814 pattern
R114  Semionovski Regt. Guard 1814 pattern
R115  Litovski Regt. Guard 1814 pattern
R116  Finlandski Regt. Guard 1814 pattern
R117  Pavlov Regt. Guard 1814 pattern
R118  Yegerski ( Jaeger ). Guard 1814 pattern
R119  Marines. Guard 1814 pattern
R120  Leib Regt. Guard 1814 pattern

Napoleonic – Bavarian Infantry & Cavalry 28mm

All of these flags can be used from their issue date to the end of the Napoleonic wars.
Codes Bv01 to Bv04 have been updated to match the new artwork.

Bv01 Bavarian Line, 1808 onwards ( Leibfahne w/ checked border )
Bv02 Bavarian Line, 1808 onwards ( White Leibfahne w/crest )
Bvo3 Bavarian Line 1813, Leibfahne as Bv01, checked Regimentsfahne.
Bv04 Bavarian Line 1813. Leibfahne as Bv02, checked Regimentsfahne
Bv05 To follow
Bv06 Bavarian Infantry. 1800 to 1815
Bv07 Bavarian Infantry. 1803 to 1815
Bv08 Bavarian Infantry, 1806 to 1815
Bv09 Bavarian Infantry, 1835 onwards ( post Napoleonic)

Bvc01 Bavarian Cavalry, silver laced regts, 1780-1815
Bvc02 Bavarian Cavalry, gold laced regts, 1780 -1815

The Crimean War

A new range – inspired by the figures from ‘Great War Miniatures’

The first release from what will be a comprehensive range of 28mm flags for the Crimean War.


The British                           

The Highland Brigade ( pictured ) L toR    BCR01, 03, 02, 01, 03, 02
The Highland Brigade.
BCR01  93rd Sutherland Highlanders
BCR02  42nd Royal Highland Regiment
BCR03  79th Cameron Highlanders
BCR04  95th Derbyshire Regiment
BCR05  62nd Wiltshire Regiment
BCR06  44th East Essex Regiment
BCR07  9th East Norfolk Regiment
BCR08  13th Somersetshire Regiment
BCR09  55th Westmoreland Regiment
The Guards Brigade.
BCR10  Grenadier Guards, Third Battalion.
BCR11  Coldstream Guards, First Battalion.
BCR12  Scots Fusilier Guards, First Battalion.
BCR13  50th Queens Own ( West Kent ) Regiment
BCR14  39th Dorsetshire Regiment
BCR15  56th West Essex Regiment

The Russians            

Russian Infantry ( pictured ) L to R  RCI05, 02, 04, 03, 01
RCI01  Line Infantry ( pre-1825 issue, carried by the majority of Russian Infantry in the Crimea )
RCI02  Grenadiers ( pre 1825 issue, yellow/red corners,  Astrakhan,Fanagoria,Siberia,Little Russia..)
RCI03  Grenadiers ( pre 1825 issue, black/red corners, Moscow, Ekaterinoslav, Tauride, Kiev..)
RCI04  Infantry ( post 1825 issue. Red trimmed cross ) poss’ Jagers – though not exclusively.
RCI05  Infantry ( post 1825 issue. pale blue trimmed cross ) poss’  line Infantry – though not exclusively.
I’m still following some leads on the last two.

AWI – British 28mm

WIB46  15th Foot
WIB47  19th Foot  ( The Green Howards )

Napoleonic – Russian Infantry 1797 to 1815 28mm

R73    Tomsk  1797 onwards
R74    Chirvan 1797 onwards
R75    Apsheron 1797 onwards
R76    Yeletz  1803 onwards
R77    Oufa 1797 onwards
R78    Nijegorod 1797 onwards
R79    Bourtiski 1797 onwards
R80    Kursk  1797 onwards
R81    Archangelgorod  1797 onwards
R82    Azov 1797 onwards
R83    Telenguinsk 1797 onwards
R84    Novgorod 1797 onwards
R85    Old Ingermanland 1797 onwards
R86    Staryoskol 1797 onwards
R87    Podolsk  1803 onwards
R88    Voronezh 1797 onwards
R89    Rostov 1797 onwards
R90    Vologda  1803 onwards
R91    Ukraine 1797 onwards
R92    Lithuania 1797 onwards
R93    Tula  1797 onwards
R94    Korporsk  1803 onwards
R95    Kaluga 1806 onwards
R96    Wilna  1806 onwards
R97    Pensa  1806 onwards
R98    Crimea  1803 onwards
R99    Volhynie 1803 onwards
R100  Mohilev  1806 onwards
R101  Pernov  1803 onwards
R102  Galitz  1803 onwards
R103  Estonia  1806 onwards
R104  Odessa  1806 onwards

Austro-Prussian & Franco-Prussian Wars  1866 to 1871

 The Prussians 1859 to 1871 

APr01  Grenadier Regt. Kronprinz – 1st East Prussian  ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr02  Grenadier Regt Konig Friedrich Wilhelm IV – 1st Pommeranian. ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr03  2nd East Prussian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr04  3rd East Prussian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr05  4th East Prussian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr06  1st West Prussian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr07  2nd West Prussian ( Konig ) Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr08  1st Brandenburg ( Leib ) Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr09  2nd Pomeranian ( Colberg ) Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr10  1st Silesian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr11  2nd Silesian Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr12  2nd Brandenburg Grenadier Regiment ( 1st & 2nd batt )
APr13  Line Infantry, 1810 pattern.  Suitable for all battalions of IR.13 to IR.31 ( 2 flags per pack )
APr14  Line Infantry, 1828 pattern.  Suitable for all battalions of IR.41 to IR.72 ( 2 flags per pack )
APr16  Fusilier battalions for APr01 and 02
APr17  Fusilier battalions for APr03 and 04
APr18  Fusilier battalions for APr05 and 06
APr19  Fusilier battalions for APr07 and 08
APr20  Fusilier battalions for APr09 and 10
APr21  Fusilier battalions for APr11 and 12

The first 13 codes are direct lifts from the Prussian Napoleonic range – I’ve updated the artwork and made a few changes where neccessary.

There’s also an 1820 pattern that I need to work on – that is a bit more complicated – issued to a number of Fusilier regts and a few infantry regts too between IR32 and IR40.

I’ll add cavalry , along with the Austrian Infantry and cavalry flags.

These would also work for the Franco Prussian war – I’m already working on the French for both that and the Crimea.

Flags of the American Civil War 28mm

Union Army  Zouaves 

US15    5th New York  ( Duryee’s Zouaves )

US21    140th New York Volunteers

US27    76th Pennsylvania Vols. ( Keystone Zouaves )

US55    10th New York ( National Zouaves )

US61    146th New York ( Garrard’s Tigers )

US85    114th Pennsylvania Vols. ( Collis’s Zouaves )

US93    9th New York  ( Hawkins’ Zouaves ) ‘Toujours Pret’

US94   72nd Penn.  ( Baxter’s Fire Zouaves )